A downloadable game for Windows

This is just the demo for a horror game I'm making centered around this apartment I lived in during some of my first years living alone. A fair amount of odd and creepy things happened to me while i was living there and I've always wanted to make a horror game inspired by those experiences and some of the fears that I had at the time.

This version is *very* simple and not at all reflective of what my vision is, this is just an environment with no sound you can bunk around in. It also was largely a practice in more of the visual parts of making a game, so that's really all there is. It might not really show, but this was a HUGE leap forward for me.

Published 13 days ago


demo.zip 87 MB

Install instructions

Unzip and enjoy! hit escape to quit


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For a test environment especially, it already sets such an immediate mood and tone- it's very evocative, I would love to see this taken to completion with some more authored gameplay! 


thank you!! I legit can't wait to get back to working on it, my head's buzzing with ideas